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Among the last of Williams's  paintings before his death in 1991, this depiction of the famous coffin door at Gallaudet University may be prophetic. In the far recesses of the frame, there appears to be another, smaller painting; it is the city of Los Angeles, Williams's home. At the opposite side stand two classical marble figures on a pedestal, representing the legacy of Greco-Roman art as it has been passed on to us. The boat was to bear Williams away to a New World as the waves lapped against the door. Williams's interpretation of  this work was neither gloomy nor pessimistic, but he may have subconsciously been looking past this life to the next.



Williams's Note Cards of his paintings are for sale at Dawn Sign Press, Quality Sign Language Materials.



Hint when you get to Dawn Sign press's web site, click on Book/Video then fill out word "card", click search by keyword. There are several Deaf Artist , one of them is Harry R. Williams.


All of Williams's painting are Copyrighted©